Botanic Gardens Conservation International

CPC institution Code: BGCI

Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) is a membership organisation representing a network of 500 botanic gardens in more than 100 countries, including the largest and most influential gardens in the sector. BGCI is the largest plant conservation network in the world, and aims to collect, conserve, characterise and cultivate samples from all of the world’s plants as an insurance policy against their extinction in the wild and as a source of plant material for human innovation, adaptation and resilience. The BGCI network of botanic gardens includes: globally significant ex situ collections, covering approximately a third of known plant diversity; world class seed banks, glass houses and tissue culture infrastructures, and; technical knowledge networks covering all aspects of plant conservation policy, practice and education. BGCI is in a prime position to promote an efficient, cost-effective and rational approach to plant conservation in botanic gardens.

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Conservation Contacts

Abby Meyer
Executive Director
Patricia Malcolm
Membership and Conservation Services Manager
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Executive Director 100
Membership and Conservation Services Manager 100